“Oh Toodles!” – Clubhouse Stories is an interactive game that invites children to engage in fun and educational adventures with their favorite characters from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. In this game, young players explore various storylines where they help Mickey and friends solve problems by using “Mouseketools,” a series of gadgets inspired by the show. Each scenario is designed to foster problem-solving skills and encourage decision-making by presenting players with challenges that they must navigate using critical thinking and creativity.
As players progress through “Oh Toodles!” – Clubhouse Stories, they encounter different settings and tasks that require them to interact with the game environment in thoughtful ways. Whether they are assembling a band to perform a concert or building a birdhouse for a new feathered friend, each activity is crafted to teach valuable lessons in mathematics, reading, and logical thinking. The game integrates these educational elements seamlessly into the storyline, making learning both natural and fun.