Garten Of BanBan 5


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Garten of Banban 5 is the next part of a very unusual horror game with a first-person view. The original game is a very strange project with a crazy story and vivid picture, which, on the contrary, put the gamer in a stupor and horror. Now the story has been continued – the creators have developed the plot and events inside a strange kindergarten, where people disappear. In the game you will have to explore a large location, collect items and run away from enemies. You are stuck in the lower levels of the kindergarten, where the tests and experiment chambers became much more complicated and confusing – you will have to show more attentiveness and wit. The main gameplay in Garten of Banban 2 consists of moving through corridors between cells and passing dozens of unique mini-games. You will receive rewards for completing tasks, move on to a new stage and get acquainted with other mechanics. The entire walkthrough takes no more than a couple of hours of real time.


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