In Coagulation Station, players assume the role of a worker stationed deep within Carrion Prime, a unique celestial body renowned for its pulsating, organic landscape and a vital source of exotic, blood-based culinary delights. The game tasks players with the upkeep of an old and malfunctioning blood rig, a critical component in the processing and distribution of the planet’s renowned ‘Product’ to the surface. Set against a backdrop of cosmic horror and infused with a vein of dark humor, the gameplay challenges players to manage the complexities of the rig, which is as temperamental as the living planet itself.
The daily routine on Carrion Prime is anything but ordinary. The rig’s pipelines, designed to transport blood, often draw in unexpected and horrifying obstructions, demanding players to clear them out or risk catastrophic malfunctions. Amidst circulating rumors of a gargantuan creature lurking below, players must occasionally brave the depths beneath the rig to unclog pipelines and face whatever horrors exist below the surface. This dangerous task tests players’ courage and affects the narrative progression, steering the game toward one of its multiple endings. Whether players manage to clear their debt and secure their safety or become another forgotten casualty in the shadows of Carrion Prime’s throbbing heart, their actions determine their fate. The quirky reward of a Clot Dog, a sought-after local delicacy, awaits those who navigate these challenges successfully, adding a quirky goal to the eerie yet compelling gameplay loop of Coagulation Station.