A year following the unsettling occurrence known as The Bat Incident, Gotham City finds itself in the grips of a vigilant figure cloaked in mystery and draped in a bat-like suit. Dubbed “The Batman” by citizens and the media alike, this figure becomes a polarizing agent of change within the urban landscape. Local authorities, led by Commissioner Jim Gordon, grapple with the implications of Batman’s nightly activities, which challenge the traditional boundaries of law and justice. Gordon’s documented observations in a partially corrupted audio log reveal a mix of concern and curiosity about the true identity and motives of Gotham’s nocturnal guardian.
In the depths of Gordon’s audio log, a narrative unfolds that connects The Batman to the long-unsolved murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne, noting the profound impact their deaths had on their son, Bruce. Bruce Wayne’s subsequent disappearance, following a series of tragic events that culminated in the suspicious fire at a friend’s building, only deepens the mystery. The audio recording takes an abrupt turn when Batman himself intervenes, cutting through the static to address Gotham’s populace directly. He rejects the accusations and skepticism directed at him, proclaiming a forthcoming era of change and justice. This direct communication from Batman serves as a chilling reminder of his unwavering commitment to transforming Gotham, setting a tense tone for the city’s uncertain future under his watchful eye.