In Akai Onna, players step into the shoes of a student whose ordinary life spirals into the realm of the supernatural following a chilling encounter with a mysterious woman clad in red. This encounter sets off a series of unexplainable events, where the sensation of unseen eyes watching him becomes a haunting, ever-present dread. Set against the backdrop of a subdued Japanese cityscape, the game evolves primarily as a first-person walking simulator, drawing players into a slowly unfurling narrative steeped in the eerie traditions of Japanese urban legends.
Akai Onna distinctively blends psychological elements with the aesthetic of a vintage horror film, achieved through optional VHS effects that players can toggle to either immerse themselves in a throwback experience or enjoy a more contemporary visual style. As the story progresses, the choices made by the player influence immediate interactions and dictate which of the two endings they will encounter, adding a layer of replayability. Each decision intertwines with elements of folklore and psychological horror, challenging players to unravel the truth behind the enigmatic woman in red and the sinister gaze that haunts them.